Calling all Churches!!! Would you like to set up a great event for your seniors or anyone who wants to meet people, have a great time, and save money? The Durham Rescue Mission is setting up some ?Thrift Store Shopping Tour? events, and we would love to partner with your church.
What expectations are on the church who wants a tour?
- Schedule a date for a group of 13 to 43 people take a tour. (If your church can?t get 13, sign up anyway, and we will try to connect you with others.)
- Commit each individual who signs up to a $10.00 reservation fee. (Each person will receive a $10.00 credit for any purchases that day.)
What expectations are on the Mission for the tour?
- The Mission will provide a bus and a driver (It?s possible the Mission bus could pick up the attendees at your church)
- Each attendee will enjoy a 30% discount on all purchases during the tour.
- You will visit at least three stores and have a free lunch provided.
- You will hear great testimonies from clients of the Mission that will warm your heart and inspire you in the Lord.
- Also, meet the founders of the Durham Rescue Mission, Ernie and Gail Mills.
You can sign up as a group, or as an individual (We will make individuals aware of group tours as they are scheduled)
Come and join us for this fun day of fellowship and shopping with other seniors. You will also hear inspiring testimonies of clients from the Mission, and, best of all, Ernie Mills will probably tell you some of his many jokes.
If you have any questions, please call Elisabeth at (919) 688-9641, x 5035.
Tours are scheduled for the 3rd Thursday of each month. Please click the button below to reserve your seat(s) for one of our upcoming tour dates.